When Trust Becomes a Concern Betrayal of any sort as well as not getting along with some people can create trust issues for many. A thinking error developed in this process could lead to believing that giving 100% in any relationship could make one lose that very relation. Although it’s a given fact that with the passage of time, things change, people change and every situation demands a different role from a person. However, when a person develops concerns in trusting others, it means he or she is still being a victim of the past. And being a victim can make a person react emotionally and impulsively leading to destructive decisions. Giving one’s best always or giving too much can leave people in a confused state, feeling guilty or regretful. The boundary gets crossed without realizing that they themselves gave that space to others in the first place. This leaves very little capacity for a person to determine their own actions and ends up blaming others f...
Its Valentines and most people are all over social media posting and showing their perfectly imperfect relationships. Yes perfectly imperfect. Lets agree - life is flawed and flaws are beautiful. Hence perfectly imperfect. While most of the videos and posts are going to be about how you can make your day the best with your partner.. I am here with those who are feeling low, sad or disconnected with this day – the so called “day” of love. It absolutely fine to not have a romantic partner - could be due to a recent break up, may be you haven’t found your ideal partner or trust in people seems so difficult. There is some good news. There is no need to run away from your browsing just for the sake of ignoring the lovey dovey red coloured posts. Instead, embrace it cuz a day for you will also come where in you would feel to do such things for your significant other. However, for now, why run away, let that significant other be you - the more you can sow love...